Category: Tech

  • 6 Best Operating Systems for Developers in 2024

    6 Best Operating Systems for Developers in 2024

    Choosing the right OS is a crucial decision for developers. It’s not just about the interface or aesthetics; it directly impacts your productivity, the tools you can use, and how efficiently you can code. With so many options out there, picking the best one can feel overwhelming. Here are the top 6 operating systems for…

  • 10 Hard Truths About Being a Software Engineer in 2024

    10 Hard Truths About Being a Software Engineer in 2024

    Software engineering is a field that many aspire to because of its high demand and the allure of a good salary. But the reality? It’s not all about creating cool apps or building innovative solutions. There’s a lot more behind the scenes that most people don’t see. If you’re a software engineer or thinking of…

  • How embeddings make your email client better?

    How embeddings make your email client better?

    A lot of people talk about AI and LLMs. But we see little talk about Embeddings and that’s where a lot of the “AI Magic” works. At dobror, we use it a lot to improve the way you can consume your emails. Both at classifying your emails in the correct inbox as well as a…